...Be an example to follow! 1 Tim. 4:12
TOM InternationalTOM InternationalTOM International
Kwali, FCT, Abuja, Nigeria
TOM InternationalTOM InternationalTOM International



Time is the unit of Life and the unit of destiny, It means that every second spent is a part of your life and destiny. What that means is that 24 hours spent today is 24hrs of your life spent and 24hrs time for fulfilling your destiny. The big question is are we spending the time right or wrong? Also having at the back of our minds that time lost cannot be regained. If all I’ve said is true then I think it’s important to now ask ourselves how we manage our time.

8hrs daily should be spent sleeping ( on health grounds), What do we do with the remaining 16 hours?

Time management sounds pretty big and complex, but it’s quite simple. It’s just the technique (or set of techniques) that people rely on to use their time more effectively. To do this, you’ll need to be able to prioritize and organize your personal and professional tasks based on how important and urgent they are. You take care of the most urgent and most important tasks first before moving on to the others. The Eisenhower Matrix helps us manage this.

What are urgent tasks? Tasks that need to be done immediately e.g it’s 8:30 am and you have an exam at 9 am.

What are important tasks? Tasks that need to eventually be done e.g. you have an exam next week at 10 am.

Let’s give an example You stay with a roommate in school and you both have your keys to the room, You have an exam at noon, and at 11:50 am your roommate calls you that she has misplaced her keys and is at home at the moment and needs you to come open the door for her. This is an urgent activity but at the time unimportant when compared to the exam you’re about to write. An unimportant task is anything that can wait till later, It may be important in another instance though.

Procrastinating is something we need to watch. Procrastinating is not forced on anyone, It is done intentionally and consciously and when it is done over time it begins to happen unconsciously yet it is voluntary because you have an option.

I will give us 10 general tips on how we can work around time management.

*1. Planning* (Luke 14:28-30) Everything rises and falls on planning

*2. Making checklists and to-do lists* This helps you keep track of your activities. What has been done and what’s left to be done. God probably had a to-do list for creation

*3. Setting goals*  This helps you channel your resources and time properly. Jesus had a goal so everything he did was channeled toward that He didn’t go about toasting girls in Nazareth because that was not a part of his goal 🤣

*4. Determining prioritizes*  The important and urgent quadrant helps you do this Creating light was priority 1 and that was why God did it first, and He created the rest of the world according to His priority list

*5. Reviewing and improving your work pattern* This helps you remove distractions. For instance, keeping your phone close to you while you read doesn’t work because it will distract you then feel free to lock your phone up in prison when you want to read 🤣

*6. Setting thoughtful, practical deadlines* Don’t put yourself under undue pressure by giving yourself short deadlines, be realistic with your deadlines Even God took 6 days to create everything.

*7. Delegate* (Exodus 18:17-22) There are things you don’t need to be doing and you can have others do it. Moses’ father inlaw had to advise him to share the work before he died early

*8. Keeping good records* This can be a source of inspiration and strength when you see all you have accomplished Even God keeps records.

*9. Pay attention to your health* If you’re not healthy you cannot do anything so do not risk your health at the expense of your goals It is only the living that can praise the Lord (Isaiah 38:18-20)

*10. Rest and have fun*  All work and no play make Jack a dull boy and Jackie a boring girl. Rest helps your body cells rejuvenate and repair and fun helps stabilize your mental health (Gen2:1-3).

To live intentionally walk in divine purpose and fulfill destiny, we must be able to manage our time properly._


*Uncle Boumo Daw*

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