...Be an example to follow! 1 Tim. 4:12
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Kwali, FCT, Abuja, Nigeria
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by Uncle Julius Olufemi

Text: Proverbs 2:1-8

The world has become a global village due to the impact of the internet. It’s a knowledge/information-based world. The more informed you become, the better your decision making process.
In view of this, we (the young and the old) engage in continuous search for information for growth and development.
Most people run to the search engines for these information. Search engines are software systems designed and developed to carry out web search for specific information. They include Google, Bing, Yahoo, Yandex, DuckduckGo, Ask, Ecosia etc.
93% of all searches on the internet are from the search engines. The traffic daily is in millions.
3.8 million searches in a minute
225 million searches in an hour
5.6 billion searches per day
Google and Yahoo are the highest rank search engines. Surprisingly, the sources/authors of these information are usually not verified by the users. Yet they embrace, believe and adopt these information sometimes as a principle or lifestyle.
The purpose of this discussion is to help us place priority attention to searching or seeking for God, whose identity, personality, works and words are true and dependable.
In Psalm 18, we see that:
1. His works are visible
2. His words are true and dependable
3. His love is undeniable
4. His resources are unlimited
5. His love, non-compare (He gave and still giving)
6. His power/competency is not in doubt
I would rather seek and search for a being with these credentials than spending time and money searching for unverified information written by people I know nothing about. (Apart from academic and research purposes).
Personally, anytime I pick a book to read, the first place I go to is the information about the author. That will give me an insight into his mind and his personality. The bottom-line, seek and search for God this year like never before. Only those who have a stake in His presence are guaranteed of supplies for Him. Jeremiah 29:13-14
How To Search – Luke 15:8-10
1. Light up a lamp: Create a conducive environment for the search. Put off what’s needed to be put off and put on whatever needed to be put on.
2. Lift up the obstacles: Clear your heart of all debris that can hinder efficient search. Clear off unforgiveness, anger, hatred etc.
3. Lay hold on the truth: As you search the scripture, believe and absorb the truth.
4. Lift up your voice in thanksgiving: When you discover spiritual truth, show excitement, celebrate the word. Do not be causal and dull with the word.
Where To Search For God – John 1:1-4
1. In his word: The scripture is the word of God.
2. In the place of fellowship: Psalm 33:1-3, Matthew 18:20. Fellowship is the gathering together of God’s people in home, school, office, park, market etc.
3. In His sanctuary: Psalm 20:2, Psalm 63:2. A building dedicated for the worship of God for believers.
4. In the place of prayer: Job 22:27, Mark 11:17
What Should Be Your Approach While Seeking God?
-Be intentional
Why Should You Search For God?
1. You are not complete without Him. John 15:5.
2. Your soul cannot be contented with things. Matthew 16:26.
3. Because you are looking for real & true love. John 3:16.
4. You need direction. Luke 15:24.
Benefits Of Seeking God
1.All good things guaranteed. Psalm 34:10.
2. You obtain God’s mercy. Isaiah 55:6-7.
3. You will know God’s way. Isaiah 55:2.
4. You will find Him. Proverbs 8:17.
5. You will receive rain of righteousness. Hosea 10:12.
Conclusively, looking for God is far more beneficial than any other thing because God’s word is truth and also life that sustains our existence.


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