Training Programmes
TOM lays a lot of emphasis on training. No one can do well, what he or she has not been trained to do. As a result, we hold regular training for all our fulltime and volunteer staff, youth workers and parents. These include:
International and experienced teen workers and ministers are invited to further equip and challenge teenagers’ workers.
For intending club leaders, youth pastors, parents, etc. Over five thousand (5,000) people have attended this course so far and testimonies abound!
A six-hour one day seminar to further strengthen and sharpen the skills of teenagers’ workers.
We have been privileged to share this seminar in a number of churches across the country. Our book “Parents and Teenagers – Towards a Better Relationship”, our main text for these seminars has been a blessing to many families.
Teachers spend more time with students than any other person. This seminar equips Christian teachers to make a positive and lasting impact in the lives of the students through their daily interactions with them.