A dream can be described as a series of images, thoughts, desires, or emotions that pass through your mind of something you hope and believe to achieve or become. Positive dreams in this context are series of positive thoughts- pictures of the mind that have creative ability. Having positive dreams is a very wonderful thing. It inspires you and has an effect on your esteem and gives you the energy and zeal to live life. But having a dream is different from living your dream. It’s the difference between longing to visit your ideal vacation spot and actually going there or perhaps even living there!
What does it mean to bring your dreams to life?
Bringing your dreams to life simply means “living your dreams.” It means translating your series of positive thoughts and imaginations into reality- from thinking about them to acting on them.
How to bring your dreams to life?
- Know what you want- Have a positive dream/vision: The first step in living the dream is discovering the dream.
- Think possibilities over limitations: You are created with limitless potential- abilities, talents, strengths, all you can be, all you can do. When you think otherwise you begin to put restraints on the abilities you have and on yourself. Positive dreams begins with your thinking. If your thinking is limited or corrupt, you will dream about those limitations and corrupt things and your life will most likely be limited and corrupt. Proverbs 23: 7, 2 Peter 1:3, Philippians 4:8
- Muster up the courage: You can have an idea of what you want and the effort it is going to take to make it happen. However, you will never know how realistic it can be until you start living/experiencing it. “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
- Take consistent and deliberate actions: Consistency is the key to achieving what you want. Every step you take is a building block and will lead you towards realising your dreams and goals. Galatians 6:9,
- Do not be afraid of failing or making mistakes: Sometimes we have beautiful dreams and take deliberate steps in bringing them to life but are met with some unforeseen circumstances or failures along the way, but that should not stop you from living your dreams. It’s better to try and fail than to never try at all. The key is to not take failure personally. Instead, use failures as an opportunity to learn and grow. Keep moving, keep learning and keep growing. Philippians 4:13, Isaiah 41:10
- Surround yourself with positive people: Do yourself a favour by surrounding yourself with positive people because people have the power to influence you in so many ways. Having the right kind of people around is essential for your growth and development. The kind of people you need are happy, encouraging, and supportive people, those who can guide you, lift your spirits, and help you maintain a positive frame of mind. Proverbs 13:20, Proverbs 27:17.
- Be accountable to someone: Accountability helps for motivation and better evaluation of your progress. When you are accountable to someone or a group, you will find yourself more motivated to start and improves the likelihood of you following through on living your dreams. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
- Ignore comparisons: It’s smarter and better to focus on fulfilling your dreams, and not comparing yours with another. Focus on who you are and what you want to achieve and spend time developing that. 2nd Corinthians 10:12
- Don’t ignore the help of God and place of prayer: “For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure.” Phil. 2:13, Psalm 121:1-2.
Conclusion: You may have very great and beautiful dream and know what it takes to make it real. However, you can’t experience it and know how real it can be if you do not bring it to life. Pursue your dreams with effort and resolve while depending on God to help and lead you through.